Creatures of the night X BKOR
Expats X Nature Routes
Gamers X Web Archive
These diagrams were made all trough are researching process and are both connected to our usergroup and our database! These are placed in chronological order!
Venn diagrams: In the very first class we made Venn diagrams that showed the similarities and the differences between us and the other
First Diagrams: We started making diagrams that connected the user to the database and saw how an interface could be used for that
Sub Usergroup: When looking closer at the user group expats and picking a sub-group that would suit the research we wanted to do we started by discovering and we mad this diagram and chose the sub-group: Expat family's who moved with their entire family and cam from developing countries. either they have been an expat in a developing country or are origannly from an developing country
Intro to Ux: we started looking at the database (staatsbosbeheer) through the eyes of the user (expat) and what the needs and requirements of these expats in nature are!
These are our initial mappings of the connections we could chose from. the words and images we collected at first glance.