The 'Routes for Expats in the Netherlands' is a calendar for the year 2022. The calendar is specially designed for people who come to work in the Netherlands from abroad and stay here for a while. This can consist of families with children or single people. They can be people who are interested in nature or who would like to visit Dutch nature and tourism.

The purpose of this calendar is to steer the users in a direction and help them with giving them fun routes throughout the Netherlands for all ages. The users come to the Netherlands and don't know anything here, and this calendar can help them.

Each page consists of a week of the month, so the users can get a new route every week. The pages contain fun and useful information about the routes, activities, images and a QR code that leads to the map of the route.
Nowadays everything is digital, including calendars, and they should not be forgotten! You walk past a calendar every day, you can write and read on it. And as an example, it is a tradition in the Netherlands to hang your calendar in the toilet!
There are many people who are looking for some activity and adventure in nature. You will also receive information about what activities there are in and around that area. Activities are possible for all ages, such as gnome trails, sailing, diving.
You will find a QR code for each route. Each code leads exactly to the map of that week's route. You will arrive at the website of Staatsbosbeheer, which has mapped out the route for you.
How do you scan the code? Grab your mobile and put your camera on the code, you will see the link appear automatically!

To make the calendar a bit more fun, there is also a tear-off edge so that you can tear off a page every week and move on to the next week. You can of course save the remaining pages for the routes if you would like to visit them more often or use them later.

It also includes a fun quiz for the families! Everyone can fill in his/her favorite activity. This way you can see from each other what that gene's favorite is. This way you can discuss this with each other. You may also want to use already torn routes later and another one first because of the activities on them, for example.